Cards that makes positive parenting easy!

All these tools are developped by the team of Peer3

website Peer3

Daily rythm card snacks

This Daily rythm chart shows with pictograms the daily routine for snacks in the morning and afternoon for children. In the morning fruit and a drink, and in the afternoon and a cookie and a drink. All these daily rythm pictogram cards are free printable via The cards are ment to make parenting more fun and easy for parents and children.

Daily rythm card snacks
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#Mylifejourneybook #Mylifejourneybook Free countdown calendars Free countdown calendars Chore list for kids Chore list for kids Free certificates Free certificates Free pictogram cards Free pictogram cards Free daily routine charts Free daily routine charts Free behavior charts Free behavior charts

"We offer many free behavior charts for kids. We hope these parenting cards will support your child to become a healthy and happy adult."

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  • All themes
  • general
  • eat and drink
  • chore list for kids
  • holiday
  • bathroom
  • potty training
Parenting tip 
Why using daily rhythm charts?
In this paper I briefly write about daily schedule charts, what is its benefits and for which children and which situations can daily rhythm charts be used. Daily rhythm charts come in all shapes...
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Life Journey books for young adults

The development and free distribution of these self-help books is our little way to contribute to guide adults and children going through challenging and difficult circumstances, build resilience within. The book allows for the reader to self-reflect on their experiences during the journey, encouraging them find inner strength and confidence in their future. My Life Journey Book, the activity book for children from Ukraine Life Journey books for young adults and parents who have had to leave their country MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THESE BOOKLETS #freedownload

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