This website with growthcards for parents and educators is an initiatif of Hanne Peerenboom. With this website I want to support parents and other educators in a easy, fun and practical way. I will keep maintaining and updating the website and because of that I would like to hear from other parents how they use these cards and what the results are.
Maintaining and development of this website has cost me a lot of time and money. Because of that I'm open for donations from individuals, but also from company's. I can offer the company's that donate a place on my website that has around 800 visitors a day. These high view rates are one of my motivations to continue this project.
"If that much people profit from my growthcards I think it's worth my time!"
"We offer many free behavior charts for kids. We hope these parenting cards will support your child to become a healthy and happy adult."
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